Between: Pre-order!

This is so exciting, bizarre, humbling and thrilling all at once! Leo and I have finished writing our book - and you can now pre-order it!! How did that actually happen?! What I didn't realise is how important pre-orders are...if they go well, more places actually agree to stock the book when it comes out. So if you want to support us, and the people we have written this book for - trans kids, their families, allies and anyone who wants to know more about trans issues without the poisonous rhetoric being spouted by the press, and hear a real life account of what it's like to transition, then give us a preorder? If you’re in the UK you can find us on Amazon and for those in the US Between is available from Barnes & Noble. Thank you. #translivesmatter Also, we’d like to say a huge thank you to Soraya Nair from TriggerHub for taking a chance on us, Andrew at Frog Literary Agency for helping us get there and all the other people who have supported us on the way.


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